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National Awards “Science and Research”
NEW! RJP has announced the annually National Award for "Science and Research" for the best scientific articles published throughout the year in the official journal.
Read the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals.
The published medical research literature is a global public good. Medical journal editors have a social responsibility to promote global health by publishing, whenever possible, research that furthers health worldwide.
Claudia Olaru, Smaranda Diaconescu, Valeriu V. Lupu, Nicoleta Gimiga, Gabriela Paduraru, Ancuta Ignat, Gabriela Ciubotariu, Vasile Drug and Marin Burlea
In the last decade constipation has become a current problem addressed in the pediatric gastroenterology departments.
Objectives. We propose a study to establish the prevalence of constipation and the correlations between diet and the socio-familial environment in children aged from 1 to 17 years old, hospitalized in the Gastroenterology Department, „Saint Mary“ Emergency Hospital for Children of Iasi, between 1 January 2012 and 1 January 2014
Results. The study group consisted of 994 patients, representing 9.6% of all hospitalized children. Regarding the prevalence of constipation, we did not notice a significant difference between the sexes, the ratio F/M was 1.3/1, but we found a significantly higher proportion of patients from urban areas 68% (676) versus 32% (318) from rural areas. In terms of social and family environment: 34% (338) of children live with grandparents, 13.9% (139) come from single-parent families, 6.7% (67) are in the care of a foster parent and 2.6% (26) come from orphanages. In the group studied a low percentage of children were breastfeed, respectively 26.2% (261) in the first month, 10.7% (107) for 3 months, while at 6 months 98.1% (976) of children received a milk formula. Diversification was done incorrectly in the case of 41% (408) patients. Only 14.6% (145) reported daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, while 51.1% (508) had dinner at least once a week at fast food restaurants. 21.6% (214) practice sport at least 2 hours/week, while 48.7% (484) spend at least 3 hours/day watching television. 12.8% (128) of patients are overweight and 5.7% (57) obese.
Conclusions. Constipation is a condition that affects children of all ages. There are not notable differences between the sexes. An increased proportion of urban patients with predominance of inadequate diet, physical inactivity and an increased proportion of overweight patients was found. The socio-familial environment has an important role in the psychological changes.
Keywords: constipation, encopresis, child