Romanian Journal of Pediatrics | Volume 73, No. 3, Year 2024
ISSN 1454-0398  |  e-ISSN 2069-6175
ISSN-L 1454-0398
DOI: 10.37897/RJP


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National Awards “Science and Research”

NEW! RJP has announced the annually National Award for "Science and Research" for the best scientific articles published throughout the year in the official journal.

ICMJE- Recommendations

Read the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals.

Promoting Global Health

The published medical research literature is a global public good. Medical journal editors have a social responsibility to promote global health by publishing, whenever possible, research that furthers health worldwide.

Instructions for authors


The Romanian Journal of Pediatrics (RJP) is a prestigious multidisciplinary scientific journal which publishes original papers, review articles, case reports and letters to the editor on various pediatric areas and subspecialties – up-to-date reviews and researches.
The journal publication frequency is 4 issues per year plus supplements, print and electronic editions.
The journal is published in English.
Expect on average 7 weeks from submission to publication. All accepted articles are published online first.

Editorial and publication processes of the journal are shaped in accordance with the guidelines of the international organizations such as the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE -, the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME -, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE -, the Council of Science Editors (CSE -,  the European Association of Science Editors (EASE –

The papers, written fully in English, must comply with the following criteria:
(1) Title page, that includes the title of the paper, names and academic degrees of the authors, together with their present affiliation.
(2) Conflict of interest statement [ click ].
(3) Text (in Word format or similar).
(4) Acknowledgements (mentioning all sources of funding and support for research, all persons who participated).
(5) References (they should be identified in the text by Arabic numbers and numbered in the cited order).
Note: References should follow the standards summarized in the NLM’s Sample References webpage and detailed in the
(6) Figure legend (explain all symbols and abbreviations used).
(7) Tables (they must have a title).
(8) Figures (they will be included in a separate file from the manuscript). Figures should add clarity to the text. They should not reiterate information rendered in the text or tables. They should be suitable for high quality resolution. They should be submitted in the desired printing format in order to avoid dimension processing.
(9) Other statements or declarations [ click ].

Note: Figures should have extension specifying format (i.e. .tiff, .eps).

Authors may also submit colored figures which are to appear as such. This service is free of charge. We recommend a moderate number of such figures.
In case images have special features, it is recommended that the authors indicate the original source; specialized processing becoming the responsibility of the editors.

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the ICMJE - Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (updated in December 2021 – available at

Authors are kindly requested to comply with the following recommendation, in order to help editorial processing:

Prepare your manuscript text using Word or similar (Open Office, Libre Office etc.) processing package. Use Arial 12 for the text font. Manuscripts should be 1.5 line-spaced.  In order to avoid delays and useless correspondence, please bear in mind the following:

• Title must be font size 14, bold.
• Use standard abbreviations and unit measurements.

Title page and abstract:
The title page should include the full name of the authors. Indicate the authors' affiliation and connect the author to his affiliation using (a), (b), (c) after the authors' names and before affiliation. Also include information about research grants, including the place (city/country). Please specify if the paper was sponsored by a company. In footnotes specify: Corresponding author, telephone number, e-mail and mailing address. Add a header of 2 to 6 words.

The abstract will usually be formatted as follows: Objectives, Material and Methods, Outcomes, Conclusions. These titles will appear explicitly in the body of the text.

Conflict of interest statement page
A formulation like “I undersign, certificate that I do not have any financial or personal relationships that might bias the content of this work.” may be used. If such relationship does exist, this have to be disclosed and described. This should apply to all original papers, including original research, editorials, state of the art papers, review articles, case reports, and letter to the editor. For more information please also visit the Policies on Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal rights, and Informed Consent page [ click ]

AMPH strongly recommends to all the authors to use/cite the DOI code (with hyperlink) for generating the References. Indicating the correct DOI codes may accelerate the manuscript publishing process. Please note, missing data will be highlighted at the proof stage for the author to correct.
References should follow the standards summarized in the NLM’s Sample References webpage and detailed in the

• Articles:

– Authors, name and initial of surname (no full stop). List the first six author. If there are more than six authors, list the first six authors, followed by et al.
– Title of the article.
– Title of the Journal in international abbreviation, italic
– Year, followed by semicolon
– Volume, followed by colons
– Pages where the article may be found
– DOI number for article with a Digital Object Identifier
– PMID/PMCID number for article with a PubMed PMID and PubMed Central PMCID
– Note: If the article quoted is published in abstract (ex. journal, volume with abstracts of scientific events), the source will be indicated preceded by „Abstr. in:“

- Bajko Z, Maier S, Motataianu A, Filep RC, Stoian A, Barcutean L, et al. Immunological mechanisms in multiple spontaneous cervical artery dissection: An illustrative case and review of the literature. Ro J Neurol. 2021;20(4):509-15. doi: 10.37897/RJN.2021.4.19
- Bernstein HB, Wegman AD. HIV Infection: Antepartum Treatment and Management. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Mar;61(1):122-136. doi: 10.1097/GRF.0000000000000330. PMID: 29309283.

• Books:

Authors/editors, name and surname (in initials) (no full stop).
Title, Edition (if suitable).
Place of publication: Publishing House, Year.

- Cinteza E, Nicolescu A. Esentialul in Cardiologia Pediatrica [Essentials in Pediatric Cardiology]. Bucharest: Editura Medicala Amaltea, 2022. Romanian
- Matei D. Indreptar practic de medicina de familie. Ed a III-a, rev. [Practical guide to family medicine. 3rd ed, rev]. Bucharest: Editura Medicala Amaltea, 2017. Romanian

• Chapters from books and volumes written by different authors:

– Author of the chapter, name and initial of surname (no full stop)
– Title of chapter.
– Particle „In:” followed by authors or editors of the volume. Then
– Title in italic, Edition (if suitable).
– Place of publication: Publishing House; Year followed by column
– Pages where the chapter may be found.

- D'Aiello AF, Cinteza E, Borcan A, Negura D. Sindromul de cord stang hipoplazic [Hypoplastic left heart syndrome]. In: Cinteza E, Nicolescu A, eds. Esentialul in Cardiologia Pediatrica [Essentials in Pediatric Cardiology]. Bucharest: Editura Medicala Amaltea; 2022. p. 272-5. Romanian
- Ulmeanu CE, Nitescu VG. Intoxicatiile acute [Acute poisonings]. In: Plesca DA, eds. Protocoale de diagnostic si tratament in pediatrie [Diagnostic and treatment protocols in pediatrics]. Bucharest: Editura Medicala Amaltea; 2021: p. 351-61. Romanian

• Online material:

For online material, please cite the URL, together with the date you accessed the website.

- Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Guidance: paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19. Accessed May 22, 2020.
- COVID-19 vaccine tracker and landscape. Geneva: World Health Organization. Accessed March 29, 2022 (

• Journal article on the Internet:

– Authors, name and initial of surname (no full stop). List the first six author. If there are more than six authors, list the first six authors, followed by et al.
– Title of the article.
– Title of the Journal in international abbreviation, italic [Internet]
– Year, followed by semicolon [ the date you accessed the website]
– Volume, followed by colons
– Pages where the article may be found
– DOI number

- Cunningham T, Pappas S. Burnout Research at a Crossroads. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 May [cited 2022 May 11];122(5):[about 11 p.]. Available from: https://​journals.​lww.​com/​ajnonline​/Fulltext​/2022/​05000/​Burnout_​Research_​at_a​_Crossroads​.4.​aspx. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.​0000830680​.08572.​65

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Please also visit the Policies on Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal rights, Informed Consent, Copyright and Advertising page [ click ].