Revista Romana de PEDIATRIE | Volumul LXIII, Nr. 4, An 2014
ISSN 1454-0398  |  e-ISSN 2069-6175
ISSN-L 1454-0398
DOI: 10.37897/RJP


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CONTENTS  |  CUPRINS  Vol. LXIII, No. 4, 2014

EN. Vegetarian diet in children
RO. Dieta vegetariana la copil

Dana-Teodora Anton-Paduraru, Carmen Oltean, Laura Mihaela Trandafir, Amalia Maria Mineata
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.1
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.14

EN. Current trends in feeding and caring for premature and low birth weight infants
RO. Tendinte actuale în alimentatia si îngrijirea prematurului si a copilului cu greutate mica la nastere

Laura Florescu, Oana Temneanu, Dana Mindru
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.2
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.15

EN. Keypoints in investigating the child with global developmental delay and intellectual disability
RO. Elemente esentiale in investigarea tulburarii globale de dezvoltare si dizabilitatii intelectuale la copil

Diana Barca, Nina Butoianu, Oana Tarta-Arsene, Magdalena Budisteanu, Sanda Magureanu, Dana Craiu
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.3
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.16

EN. Obesity – Depression interrelation in children and adolescent
RO. Interrelatia obezitate - depresie la copil si adolescent

Anamaria Ciubara, Lucian Stefan Burlea, Dana-Teodora Anton-Paduraru, Marin Burlea, Ilinca Untu
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.4
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.17

EN. Osteopenia in childhood and adolescence
RO. Osteopenia in copilarie si adolescenta

Georgiana Russu, Tania Rusu, Ileana Ioniuc, Stela Gotia
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.5
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.18

EN. Principles of combined esophageal impedance-PH monitoring in children: indications, benefits and limitations
RO. Principiile monitorizarii combinate impedanta-pH-metrie la copii: indicatii, avantaje si limitari

Mihai-Mirel Stoicescu, Felicia Galos, Mihai Munteanu, Simina Visan, Coriolan Ulmeanu, Mihaela Balgradean
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.6
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.19

EN. Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis: Clinical data and treatment possibilities
RO. Enterocolita ulcero-necrotica: date clinice si posibilitati de tratament

Elena Hanganu, Maria Stamatin, S.G. Aprodu, Mihaela Moscalu, Simona Gavrilescu
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.7
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.20

EN. The impact of the genetic factor in the realization of the arterial hypertension and metabolic disorders at children with overweight or obesity
RO. Implicari genetice in hipertensiunea arteriala si dereglarile metabolice la copiii supraponderali/obezi

Svetlana Cojocari, Nelea Matraguna, Nicolae Barbacari, Constantin Jucovschi
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.8
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.21

EN. Sleep medicine in Romania – The results of a questionnaire applied to doctors of various medical specialties
RO. Somnologia pediatrica in Romania - rezultatele unui chestionar aplicat medicilor de diferite specialitati

Mihaela Oros, Florin Mihaltan
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.9
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.22

EN. Undernutrition and obesity in pediatric patients admitted in a Romanian hospital
RO. Subnutritia si obezitatea la pacientii pediatrici internati intr-un spital din Romania

Cristina Adriana Becheanu, Gabriela Lesanu, Roxana Elena Smadeanu, Iulia Florentina Tincu
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.10
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.23

EN. Predisposing factors for chronic constipation in children – 2-year clinical study
RO. Factori predispozanti ai constipatiei cronice la copil - studiu clinic pe 2 ani

Claudia Olaru, Smaranda Diaconescu, V.V. Lupu, Nicoleta Gimiga, Gabriela Paduraru, Ancuta Ignat, Gabriela Ciubotariu, Vasile Drug, Marin Burlea
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.11
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.24

EN. Epidemiological aspects of congenital heart malformations in children and their implications in developing a clinical monitoring registry
RO. Aspectele epidemiologice ale malformatiilor cardiace congenitale la copii si implicatiile acestora in elaborarea unui registru clinic de monitorizare

Mariana Puiac (Ciorba), Mihaela Opris, Rodica Toganel, Marius Ciorba, Horatiu Suciu, Klara Brinzaniuc
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.12
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.25

EN. Extreme cerebral malformation – Clinical and ethical issues based on a case
RO. Malformatie cerebrala extrema - consideratii clinice si etice pe marginea unui caz

Florin Brezan, Ioana Codreanu, Rodica Cretu, Lucica Ghita, Mirela Ritivoiu, Diana Goran, Ioana Alina Anca
[ full article en ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.13
[ full article ro ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2014;LXIII(4). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2014.4.26


Conferinta Nationala de Pediatrie



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