Revista Romana de PEDIATRIE | Volumul LXI, Nr. 3, An 2012
ISSN 1454-0398  |  e-ISSN 2069-6175
ISSN-L 1454-0398
DOI: 10.37897/RJP


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Assessment and self-assessment of acute pain at child

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The study of the pain made a lot of progress both in the fundamental field (pain mechanisms) and also, in the medical practice. In the management of pain at child, assessment and self-assessment are essential, an appropriate analgesia having immediate and over-time favourable effects, because the pain represents a major factor that affects the quality of life. In this scope researchers developed self-report pain scales and behavioural/ observational pain scales, such as McGill Pain Questionnaire, Visual Analog Scale, Objective Pain Scale, Oucher Scale or Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale. The paper reviews the most known pain scales and the conclusion is that the “gold standard’’ in pain rating is the self-assessment, followed by measures and finally, by the biological measures, that reflect the body’s answer to pain.

Key words: pain assessment, pain self-assessment, pain scales, behavioural measures, biological measures

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