National Awards “Science and Research”
NEW! RJP has announced the annually National Award for "Science and Research" for the best scientific articles published throughout the year in the official journal.
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The published medical research literature is a global public good. Medical journal editors have a social responsibility to promote global health by publishing, whenever possible, research that furthers health worldwide.
CONTENTS | CUPRINS | Vol. LXII, No. 3, 2013 |
Managementul endoscopic al hemoragiilor digestive la copil
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.1
Hipertensiunea portala la copil
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.2
Manifestari articulare in bolile inflamatorii intestinale la copil
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.4
Diagnostic si management in constipatia cronica la copil (Partea a II-a)
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.5
Aspecte clinico-evolutive sub tratament in alergia alimentara IgE-mediata la sugar si copilul mic
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.6
Un scor prognostic util in gastroenterita acuta cu Rotavirus la copil
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.7
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.8
Dislipidemia si adipokinele inflamatorii la un lot de copii cu status nutritional modificat
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.9
Intoxicatia acuta grava cu propafenona – abordare diagnostica si terapeutica
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.10
Boala Bruton – prezentare de caz si comentarii din literatura
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.11
Sindrom adrenogenital la nou-nascut
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.12
Sindromul antifosfolipidic – cauza rara de stroke la copil
[ full article ] — Ref: Ro J Pediatr. 2013;62(3). DOI: 10.37897/RJP.2013.3.13
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