Revista Romana de PEDIATRIE | Volumul LX, Nr. 4, An 2011
ISSN 1454-0398  |  e-ISSN 2069-6175
ISSN-L 1454-0398
DOI: 10.37897/RJP


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Consideration on the complication occurring during pediatric anesthesia in outside the operating room



Objectives: In the context of the development of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, in different private offices and hospitals departaments, in this study, I intend to present complications of anesthesia given over the years, in outside the operating room in childrens.

Methods: We analized complications occurred during 210 anesthesia in childrens, with various diseases, incurred primarily for radiologic procedures: computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The complication have been studied in relation to age, sex, anesthetic risk, the disease for wich they are taking the investigation, coexisting diseases, technique of anesthesia during which the complications occurred (before, after or during the anesthesia), and cronic or emergency nature of the procedures.

Results: At a total of 210 anesthesia, we recorded a number of 39 complications, including: hypoxia, vomiting, sedation failure, prolonge sedation, psychomotor agitation, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, apneea. We did not recorded deaths.

• From pediatric patients on ages between 6 month to 7 years, 90% required general anesthesia/deep sedation for computer tomography or magnetic nuclear imaging procedures.
• I do not find a link between complications and: age, sex, degree of anesthetic risks, or with the procedure performed.
• Complication related to anesthetic technique were: insufficient sedation, vomiting, psychomotor agitation, hypoxia, and laryngo-bronchospasm.
• There were no complication related to allergic reaction to contrast substance, seizures, bronchial aspiration syndrome, or hypothermia.
• There were no mortality cases.
• Complications are related to those mentioned in literature, because we endeavoured to ensure safe procedures, in accordance with the protocols of monitoring, and training of the anesthesia team.

Key words: anesthesia, children, complications

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